Saturday 2 July 2011

Girl Boners.

The only celebrity I've been compared to in my life has been Maggie Gyllenhaal.
The first time was in a Winners, while I was waiting in line far too long for a pair of shoes (I didn't even wear them that often, come to think of it) - and the lady was almost certain I was actually her, at first.
I had no idea who she was.

Since I was 22 or 23 and had gotten to that age without ever once being compared to someone famous, I naturally looked her up when I got home.
I was stoked. She's gorgeous.

I've since grown to have a permanent girl boner for her - have you seen Secretary? Or Stranger Than Fiction? (If you haven't - stop what you're doing now and go watch them.)

Seriously, amirite?
I don't really think I look much like her, but it's been four times I've been told I have, so I take the compliment and continue to be amazed.


All this just to say - I've been feeling a lot better about myself lately. Like I'm more comfortable in my own skin, and not just the physical skin. Sure my inner critic can be noisy, but I'm getting much better at telling her to go pound sand.

Maybe it's because I'm finally feeling like I'm where I want to be, at this point in my life? I couldn't have guessed it would take heartbreak (getting better on that front) and going completely broke (also ameliorating slightly) - but it must have something to do with it.

I don't daydream of being someone else, or living another life while I shower. Random people as well as close friends tell me I look happier, and smile more.
(And yes, while showering is usually when I daydream the most about weird shit.)

I'm just going to go with it, and not over-analyze it too much - if it ain't broke, why fix it - right?

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